Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today in History: The Great Piggy Bambino?

"Charlotte's Web" author E.B. White was born today in 1899.
"Charlotte's Web" was made into a movie in 2006.
Happy Birthday to United States President, John Quincy Adams! He was born on July 11th, 1767. Also, E.B. White is born today in 1899. E.B. White is the author of "Charlotte's Web."

Today marks the day Alexander Hamilton was shot by rival politian Aaron Burr in 1804. There were different accounts on what had happend in the battle, but one thing was for sure, Aaron Burr shot a bullet right though Hamilton's stomach that lodged into his spine. Burr claimed that Hamilton had shot first, but missed, though Hamilton's assistant claims that Hamilton did not believe that battle was necessary. Burr was charged with murder in New York and New Jersey, but he finished his vice president term in Washington D.C., where he was proteced from any prosecution.
A depiction of the duel
between Burr and Hamilton

Under General George McClellan, the Union found victory over the Conferates on this day in 1861 in the Battle of Rich Mountain. Part of McClellan's force led by General William Rosecrans blocked Southern Colonial Pegram from escaping, forcing the Confederate troops to surrender. Though McClellan was known as the victor of this battle, many agree that Rosecrans was the fuel to winning this battle and deserves credit for it.
Babe Ruth was on the Red
Sox from 1914-1920

Future Baseball Hall of Famer and the man credited to save baseball, made his Major Leauge debut today in 1914. The Sultan of Swat pitched seven strong innings for the Boston Red Sox, leading them to a 4-3 victory over teh Cleveland Indians. Babe Ruth was originily a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, but also developed as a hitter. Before the 1920 season, Red Sox owner Harry Frazee sold Ruth's contract to the New York Yankees so that he could fund his own musical production. This trade was known as the "Curse of the Bambino" because many believed it has caused the Red Sox' 85 year World Series drought. The Bambino went on to hit more homeruns than entire teams after converting to an outfielder for the Yankees. With the Yankees, Babe won four World Series titles while the Red Sox did not win a World Series until 2004.

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